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Behind The Scenes [Creepy Forest Shoot]

It is so important to continuously surround yourself with inspiration no matter what your hobby or profession. One little image or idea can spark something totally new and amazing in your own work. This is exactly what happened to me while on (you guessed it) Pinterest! I saw this really cool picture of a girl walking though the forest at night and BOOM it hit me! The entire image came to life in my head ( I LOVE when that happens)

Thankfully it was a warm night (April in WI can bring all sorts of crazy weather) and my model was willing to get her hands dirty. I wanted her to look like she was walking through the forest, but there were so many prickly raspberry bushes it was difficult to find a spot where blood wouldn't be shed. After stomping down some bushes to make sure she wouldn't be harmed I began shooting.

I used off camera flash, and balanced my shutter speed to let in the light of the candle as well. I wanted something that was lit- but not so much that you could see a lot the forest behind her, so a ton of flash wasn't necessary.

Next the super awesome smoke bombs came into play. I made sure I had my exposure correct before I brought in the smoke because they are expensive, and I didn't want to waste them. It was a little tricky because although there wasn't a lot of wind, the smoke kept on rising, and I wanted it to look like it was coming from the ground, like a creepy foggy night. After smoke bomb #2, we got everything positioned correctly (as much as we could control smoke) and this image came into being <3

This shoot would not have been possible without a couple amazing people that helped me do it. You know who you are, and thank you. :)

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